Tavrida Electric Automatic Circuit Reclosers

Tavrida Electric Reclosers Applications

The fundamental designation of automatic circuit reclosers is to provide consecutive auto-reclosing cycles in order to clear transient faults and minimize network outage time. In addition to reliability improvement and reduction of SAIDI (System Average Interruption Duration Index), SAIFI (System Average Interruption Frequency Index) and MAIFI.
(Momentary Average Interruption Frequency Index), the Rec series reclosers provide an extensive range of in-built communication functions and enhance the operator's grid visibility.
With more than 20 years of accumulated experience in pole-mounted vacuum recloser technology, Tavrida Electric offers the best in class solution in terms of reliability, safety, and installation simplicity

The Tavrida Electric integrated substation solution contains a reliable switching module, recloser control with an extensive list of protections, a robust substation mounting kit and also accessories as an option. The mounting kit is comprised of a set of steel components with hot-dip galvanized coating and no welded parts. To accommodate a wide range of substation arrangements, the mounting dimensions, and height of the apparatus can be easily adjusted. In this way, the need for additional adaptation kits is completely eliminated.
The complete solution comes in a single box to further reduce logistical expenses. In overall, an integrated recloser system enables the customer to save on capital investment, civil works and commissioning.

The Rec series reclosers have the ability to automatically disconnect the DG from the grid in case of power quality issues and to quickly reconnect when the power supply is stable. It can also perform a Sync check function to check the voltage synchronization of two independent systems. Tavrida Electric implemented this functionality by the development of a Close Condition Verifier (CCV) protection element. The CCV element has undergone the specified testing and compliance standard checks from Eskom utility, all of which were successfully passed, approving the recloser as an Independent Power Provider (IPP) connection circuit breaker.